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Nethero Farms

The Netheros have been raising freezer beef for the consumer for over 25 years. Eric and his wife Lori are continuing the farming traditions of Eric's parents by growing the family farm and its beef production. Eric and Lori have also started feeding out hogs to sell pork locally.


Their goal is to provide an all-natural, safe, and healthy finished product to the consumer.  They take pride in their animals and farming operation. Cattle are bought off local farmers at weaning and are fed to finished weight using all natural feed ground on the farm, hay and pasture.

Both Eric and Lori were active in 4-H and FFA in their youth. They now serve as advisors of a local 4-H club.  Eric also serves as a senior fairboard member for the Brown County Fair and is a member of the Brown County Farm Bureau.

Eric is also a Firefighter for a local township, as well as works for Nationwide Insurance.  Lori works for the Federal Judiciary.

In October of 2021, they welcomed their first child, Lucas.

Eric and Lori Nethero
Lori and EricNethero
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